What is Research: Meaning, Introduction, Definitions, Importance, Purpose, Aspects, Types, Methods, Examples, Process, Scope, Nature, Tips, Precautions

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Introduction To Research

The world 2500 years ago and the AI world today. Is any difference? This difference is due to Research.

Let’s start a journey to learn something new about research.

Research is a continuous ongoing thinking process. It is a world that needs creative insight. It is mental work not manual work. In it, scholars either give a new theory or advance a theory or synthesise theories or refute a theory. It depends on researcher’s interest about topic and the demand of time. Now a Day, ChatGPT is also being used in research.

What is Research

It is very difficult to define ‘RESEARCH’ in a few words or a few sentences because the whole universe is the subject of research. Any learned scholar who tries to define it defines its one aspect or some aspects because the whole multiverse is in the research and research is in the whole multiverse. So, it needs to prepare a detailed roadmap about a very concise topic. To get accurate results, a scholar must study the selected topic carefully and diligently. In simple terms, Research is a systematic and organized academic activity or group of activities that give a solution to the research problem.

Meaning of Research

It is not just a simple search. It is not search in dizziness or in yawning. But it is a diligent search. Scholar need to be very Careful at every step of it.

As time passes away, the need for humans changes vastly. In order to fulfil the needs, one needs to do new research. As time changes, new challenges come with it. So, to face the challenges, there is need to do a careful investigation. This careful inquiry is called research.

Research means to search again

Research means search again. But it does not explain its complete meaning. On the same topic, lots of people do research. After some time, numerous scholars again start searching. one solution does not mean it is the final and ultimate solution. Solution should be cost-effective, under the reach of common people.

Therefore, research is a race to give solutions at minimum cost and using minimum resources. So, its actual meaning is ‘search again and again‘.  

Indian Meaning of Research

In Indian classical Pali and Sanskrit texts, it is called ‘shodh’ which means ‘to pure to make’, ‘clearer’, ‘make error free’, make ‘controversy free’.

3 Aspects of Research

There are mainly three aspects of research: Theoretical, Philosophical and Practical.

Theoretical Aspects of Research

Even in the field of science, some scholars/scientists work on theoretical physics and some work on practical aspects of Physics i.e. applied Physics.

Philosophical Aspect of Research

Even Philosophy has been understood as applied Philosophy and Theoretical philosophy.

In each discipline, some concepts are understood on the basis of philosophy, like happiness, oldness, youngness, sadness etc. In Science, it is said that the object that is measured in the laboratory or through any means is called a scientific object. The concepts that could not be measured through any scientific tools are considered philosophical concepts. If one proceeds with this concept in more detail, one could conclude that the things that could not be measured in the terms of scientific units are philosophical concepts.

Practical Aspect of Research

When research deals with problems which are solved by the creation of some tools or objects is called the practical aspect of research. Research for finding vaccines for Covid-19 comes under this cap. Such sort of research need laboratory experiment and it goes through several stages of trials.

What do You Mean by Research

Research is a journey of careful study from the earliest form of the chosen topic to the latest form of the study. It is often linked to the past, present and future of a topic. In this way, research concerns not only past historical development – of success or failure – of a topic but also correlates to the present status in the present scenario. The possible future aspect of a topic could also be a matter of research. So, it is related to step-by-step microscopic study of a topic from past to future timeline via the present.

It starts with literature review for finding research questions and applying appropriate research methods in order to answer the finalized research question.

Synonyms of Research

Synonyms of Research (N)

  •  Investigation
  • Analysis
  • Exploration

Synonyms of Research (V)

  • Study
  • Look into
  • Prove
  • Analyse
  • Investigate
  • Explore

Aim of Research

  • For knowledge contribution
  • Develop new theory
  • Advance old theory
  • Refute a theory
  • To Verify the hypothesis

Research Process

It starts with literature reivew. At this stage, a scholar gets knowledge about each and every aspect of the topic. It helps in knowing popular theories, learned scholars’ names, landmark published works, areas of controversies, research gaps etc.

The second stage is data collection. It helps in collecting relevant data related to the chosen topic. It is like making available building materials for the construction of a building.

Analysing data is the third stage in the process of research. It is the heart of the research. Scholar uses various theories to perform it. There is much software that could help in analysing the data and giving a result. But, it is research scholars that conduct research not software.

Literature Review > Collecting Data > Organizing Data > Analysing Data > Interpreting

Purpose of Research

What the scholar wants to achieve at the end of the research is called Purpose of Research or Purpose of Study. There are two major types of purpose: primary and secondary.

Primary Purpose of Research

  •  Revise or apply a theory
  • Contribute to a chosen field or community
  • To describe
  • To explain
  • To predict
  • To Control
  • To hide
  • To highlight
  • To seek answer
  •  To stratify our curiosity

Secondary Purpose of Research

  • Measure the potential of a new field
  • Analyse the challenge of the area/topic
  • To analyse the customer
  • Measure goal difficulty
  • Develop current strategies
  • Help in developing new market
  • Analyse the future opportunity
  • Analyse the current status of the subject

Importance of Research

It helps in understanding the problem logically and scientifically. It also helps in understanding the problems from various aspects. It helps in highlighting the problem. It provides solution/s to a problem. It helps in hiding the problem. It helps in the development of interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary disciplines.

Unfortunately, it is used to create problems also.

20 Definitions of Research

Research is a process of generating/deducing research propositions (hypotheses) from abstract theory and concepts which are then tested by empirical observations (research).

Miller, R. L., & Brewer, J. D. (2003). The A-Z of Social Research: A Dictionary of Key Social Science Research Concepts. SAGE.

Research is often viewed as the cornerstone of scientific progress research is to answer questions and acquire new knowledge. ……… Research is the primary tool used in virtually all areas of science to expand the frontiers of knowledge.

Marczyk, G. R., DeMatteo, D., & Festinger, D. (2010a). Essentials of Research Design and Methodology. John Wiley & Sons.

Research is often depicted as involving a choice between theories driving the research process in all its phases and theories as a product of the research process.

Bryman, A. (2012b). Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press, USA.

Research is complete only when scholars share their results or findings with the scientific community.

Association, A. P. (2019a). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. American Psychological Association (APA).

The vast majority of research is ‘routine’ rather than ‘revolutionary,’

Neergaard, H., & Leitch, C. M. (2015). Handbook of Qualitative Research Techniques and Analysis in Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Research is as old as human civilization. The progress from the ‘Stone Age’ to the present concept of ‘Global Village’ is a result of one or the other kind of research people have conducted.

Research in Literature and Language: Philosophy, Areas and Methodology. Notion Press. Neergaard, H., & Leitch, C. M. (2015).

The process of researching, planning and writing a critical essay can, and should, be enjoyable.

Pirie, D. B. (2002). How to Write Critical Essays. Routledge.

……before you go off to do your research, you will have prepared for yourself a clear structure of the issues that the question raises, so you know what you’re looking for.

Greetham, B. (2018). How to Write Better Essays. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Social research is increasingly focusing on the causal processes and chains of constitutive interaction that eventually lead to outcomes.

Huotari, M., Rüland, J., & Schlehe, J. (2014). Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies. Springer.

Qualitative research is often concerned to elucidate the ways in which subjects experience and perceive situations and events.

Dey, I. (2016). Qualitative Data Analysis: A User Friendly Guide for Social Scientists. Routledge.

One of the characteristics of qualitative research is that the interpretation of material – whether of ethnographic diary data, interview transcripts, stories gathered of someone’s life, spoken or written texts or material from the media gathered for psychoanalytic purposes – cannot be proved to be wrong simply if another plausible interpretation can be given in its place.

Parker, I. (2004). Qualitative Psychology: Introducing Radical Research. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

Research is undertaken within most professions. More than a set of skills, research is a way of thinking: examining critically the various aspects of your day-to-day professional work; understanding and formulating guiding principles that govern a particular procedure…..

Kumar, R. (2010). Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners. SAGE.

Qualitative research is an approach for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem.

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE.

Empirical research is to provide us with a satisfactory understanding of official decisionmaking in the criminal process, its focus ought to be broad.

Cane, P., & Kritzer, H. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research. OUP Oxford.

Research is a mysterious adventure that inspires passion and holds many surprises.

Eco, U. (2015b). How to Write a Thesis. MIT Press.

Theories are based on research, and that research is usually one form or another of literature review.

Vogt, W. P., Gardner, D. C., Vogt, E. R., & Haeffele, L. M. (2014). Selecting the Right Analyses for Your Data: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods. Guilford Publications.

First step in social research is to turn away from ali preconceptions and turn attention toward the facts.

Moses, J. W., & Knutsen, T. L. (2019). Ways of Knowing: Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Theory-based research is often research that tests the accuracy of a prediction that should pertain if the hypothesis is true.

Vogt, W. P., Gardner, D. C., & Haeffele, L. M. (2012). When to Use What Research Design. Guilford Press.

The vast majority of research is ‘routine’ rather than ‘revolutionary,’……

Neergaard, H., & Leitch, C. M. (2015). Handbook of Qualitative Research Techniques and Analysis in Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Pure research is ettentially driven by curiosity.

Neergaard, H., & Leitch, C. M. (2015). Handbook of Qualitative Research Techniques and Analysis in Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Characteristics of Research

Characteristics of Research are the basic needed qualities that research must have. There are also two types here also – Primary and Secondary

Primary Characteristics of Research

  • Systematic
  • Organized
  • Logical
  • Accurate Data
  • Relevant

Secondary Characteristics of Research

  • Ethics and Code of Conduct
  • Scientific
  • Logical
  • Actual observation
  • In-depth Analysis
  • No Anomalies
  • No ambiguity
  • New insight creator
  • Accuracy

Types of Research

Exploratory Research

To explore research Questions and relevant data. The purpose is not to answer the research questions but to explore all aspects of the chosen research topic. It is done to collect relevant data in order to make a robust foundation for in-depth analysis.

Descriptive Research

Its purpose is to describe all factors of the selected concept to study. In the first stage, it describes collected data and at a later stage, it describes the findings and conclusion. It is introductory in nature. It gives the background and basic information about the concerned topic.

Explanatory Research

It is more than introductory. It gives extra information about the selected topic and its factors, result and conclusion. It explains each and every aspect of the topic in great detail.

Nature of Research: Inductive & Deductive  

The nature of research is defined from various aspects. Data coding and data analysing are the two main determining factors. The inductive method analyses the collected data on the other hand deductive method verifies the collected relevant data.

Nature of Research

Qualitative and Quantitative Research:

The inductive method is associated with qualitative research and the deductive method is associated with quantitative research.

Qualitative Research: in this research, the main data are texts which are called archival data. It comes in the category of archival research. Its data is nun-numerical. It helps to understand the nature of the data and analyse it on the basis of critical thinking.

Types of Qualitative Methods

  •          Textual Analysis
  •          Study of archival data
  •          Study of inscription
  •          Focus group
  •          On to one interview
  •          Ethnographical Study
  •          Case Study

Types of Quantitative Research

In this method, data is analysed after coding in numbers, graphs, and charts. It deals with measurable variables in order to collect, code, sample, analyse and interpret the data. Examples of Qualitative research are: –

  • Survey research
  • Descriptive Research
  • Experimental Research

Characteristics of Data

  • Relevant
  • Complete
  • Accurate
  • Reliable
  • Representative

15 Tips for Conducting Accurate Research

  1. Delimit your study using factors like time, area, concept, and theories.
  2. Collect relevant data
  3. Keep record of the database visited
  4. Make an annotated bibliography
  5. Use Google Books, Google Scholar and Google Alert to be up to date
  6. Make a reading and writing plan
  7. Make interview schedule with supervisor with prior permission
  8. Make a list of points to be discussed with the research guide
  9. Meet guide with a notebook and voice recorder
  10. Describe your statement of problem in long and short format
  11. Write a rough draft of the Thesis Introduction Chapter first.
  12. Develop a strong rationale for the topic, objective, chapterization, hypothesis, and research methods
  13. Make a list of theories related to your study
  14. Make a list of controversial aspects related to your topic
  15. Give at least six months on editing and drafting

Six Reasons Why Research is Important

It gives answers to the problem studied from the following aspects:-

  • What is happening
  • Why that is happening
  • How is happening
  • When is happening
  • Where is happening
  • Affecting Factors

Research Scholar

According to the literal definition: the person who peruses research is called a research scholar. But in a pragmatic way, the person who has actual knowledge and experience in the concerned field is a research scholar. There are no hard and fast criteria to measure a research scholar. Different disciplines have different criteria for being research scholars.

5 Precautions of Research

  • Choose the institution where all the needed facilities are available.
  • Choose the research topic according to the time given, resources provided and fund availability.
  • Literature review is the soul of the original research. So, go through all sorts of data related to your research work.
  • Be very scientific as well as logical while choosing research methods. Keep a sharp rationale for every ‘exclusion’ and ‘inclusion’.
  • Make sure all cited works are listed in the reference list and vice versa.

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